White papers
Customer case
TopTeam Implementation
Top Team deployment with a large telecom provider
One Business Support System (BSS) and Operations Support System (OSS); that was the goal of this telecom provider, after the merger of 2 major telecom providers in the Netherlands.
To achieve this, an Agile approach to the business analysis process was chosen, which was carried out by almost 100 people divided into a number of teams. Representatives from the business, IT and external suppliers worked together seamlessly in this large and complex program. TopTeam was used as business analysis and requirements management tool to support the program.
Rapid Learning Cycles
Rapid Learning Cycle used at VDL-ETG to manage an innovation project
Making critical design decisions in the concept phase of a project can lead to serious cost and time overruns when these decisions are based on assumptions and/or incomplete knowledge. This causes redesign, redevelopment, and retesting, plus frustration in development and management.
Rapid Learning Cycles (RLC) prevents this and gives more control over decision-making and related knowledge building, progress and risks in innovative product development. Reason enough for VDL ETG to start a pilot project and gain experience with RLC.
Methods and techniques
Proposition Development
Best practices
A roadmap for proposition development
Most companies have no lack of ideas. Often however, a structured way of working is lacking to create a customer-centric and realizable proposition. How do you tackle the development of a proposition in a structured way? Synergio’s Proposition development roadmap helps you with this.
Software tools
TopTeam Feature matrix
TopTeam is a requirements management and business analysis tool that is adaptable to the working methods and processes in your organization. Customizing is done via configuration with the help of wizards so you don’t have to program.
In addition, TopTeam is a very professional tool with extensive functionalities. Download the TopTeam feature matrix here for a complete overview.
5 Pitfalls When Implementing Tooling for Lean Portfolio Management
When implementing Lean Portfolio Management (LPM), you will soon find out that in order to do this adequately, supportive tooling is required. LPM tools support you in generating insights and overviews and linking strategy with execution.
As a choice for a tool is a longer-term decision, you want to make it carefully. Synergio has been implementing LPM tools for many years. We would like to share the pitfalls we have seen so that you can benefit from our experience.